Clever Little Clock - high-end audio insanity?

Guys, seriously, can someone please explain to me how the Clever Little Clock ( actually imporves the sound inside the litening room?

Showing 10 responses by sherod

Wow! Very interesting thread. What started out as a thread regarding the Cute Lil' Clock turned into a power cord contest. I haven't tried the clock, but I just might someday. With a money-back guarantee, there's nothing much to lose but a bit of shipping and the time for experimenting. If I didn't live way out in the boonies of Texas, I'd jump on the power cord challenge in a heartbeat. I'm curious where the cord will be placed,amp,preamp,CD player,etc.? I would agree about having no line conditioners, etc. in the system. Hopefully the system will have a dedicated line for power. I would have to give the odds to Wellfed on this bet. I eagerly look forward to this modern-day Gunfight at O.K. Corral. Looks like a clash between Wyatt Earp(Wellfed) and the Clayton brother(Audioari1)
Have you had a chance to actually audition the Clever Little Clock? If not, how can you be so certain that it doesn't do what the manufacturer claims? Until certain individuals sailed around the world, there were a majority of people who swore that the Earth was flat.
I think that there should be one stipulation with this bet between Wellfed and Audioari1. When the aftermarket power cord is in the system, the Clever Lil' Clock should be in the room. When the generic cord is in, the clock should be removed from the building. This will take a few minutes longer, but still all right as it will take a few minutes for each power cord to adjust to the system anyway.
I am curious if you, Wellfed, have done the old A-B blind comparison, where someone takes the CLC outside the house and brings it back in without your knowledge. Just to make sure that there's nothing subconsciously going on.

I have read the testimonials where the sound improves as you add another CLC to the room. Is there a point of diminishing return for this thing, or maybe once you get to 50 units in the room, you are actually listening to the same song today, but it's really yesterday, or perhaps tomorrow.
Yes Guido,
Wellfed and Mr. Kait are one and the same. It's the magic of the CLC,i.e Clever Little Clone. Once you have been subjected to x-amount of hours with the clock, the listener actually becomes a clone of the designer.

I dunno, but speculating, maybe the reason Mr. Kait can't or won't explain the make-up of the CLC is from a marketing standpoint. Just the tiniest bit of information might have a slew of manufacturers coming out with their own versions of the clock and take some of his pie.

I can just hear your daughter right now saying, " Oh, Daddy. You're so silly!"
Hi Theaudiotweak,

I see you are the current winning bidder of a CLC. Please let us know what you think of it.

Thanks, Sherod

I'd like to know roughly how many of these CLC's have been sold, and why aren't more present users jumping into this thread to discuss their thoughts? The majority of actual regular users of the CLC on this thread is what, one?