Clever Little Clock - high-end audio insanity?

Guys, seriously, can someone please explain to me how the Clever Little Clock ( actually imporves the sound inside the litening room?

Showing 13 responses by eldartford

Wellfed...Since you want to be legalistic, let me remind you that the strictest critera (for criminal conviction) is beyond a REASONABLE doubt. This case is a slam dunk.
At least a person who buys this thing gets something useful...a clock to tell time.
Wellfed...To continue the legal analogy...when there is prima facie evidence against the defendant he is presumed to be guilty unless he presents contrary evidence. In your case being contrary to all laws of science is prima facie evidence.

Remember the fencer, named Fisk?
Whose fencing was incredibly brisk
So rapid his action
Fitzgerald's contraction
Converted his rapier to a disk.
An audiophile named Wellfed
Is trying to get in my head
He says that this clock
Makes a Bose really rock
But I think I'l do cryo instead
Audioari1,,,There is nothing wrong with the measurements on the $200 JVC receiver. What is wrong is the assumption that its low distortion (for example) is what people want. The SET amp has loads of distortion, but some people like the sound of distortion. After all, a musical instrument, for example a violin, does not produce pure tones, but lots of harmonics. Just think of the SET amp as a musical instrument.
Mootsdude...You picked a bad example with fire walking. Science has provided the explanation. White ash on the coals is a good insulator if you keep walking fast.
Pabelson... "The problem isn't what scientists don't know. It's what audiophiles don't know about science".

Well said! That boils down thousands of words into the essence of truth.
As a senior engineer, with a lowly BME degree, I at some times had scientists (Physics PHD) working for me. I think that there are clear differences between Engineers and Scientists.

There is a saying that "There comes a time in every project to shoot the Engineers and get on with the job". Scientists, who may have been useful in getting the contract, should nevertheless be shot before work begins.
Albertporter...."This is no laughing matter, one more man, one less woman, and an audiophile somewhere is all alone on Saturday night". Perhaps not so big a problem. It may just be a stereotype, but the word on the street is that audiophiles are partial to men.