Clever Little Clock - high-end audio insanity?

Guys, seriously, can someone please explain to me how the Clever Little Clock ( actually imporves the sound inside the litening room?

Showing 6 responses by charlie101

>>can you provide evidence to support your assertion that the Clever Little Clock is fraudulent<<

Actually it's up to you and the manufacturer to provide empirical data of its' performance not the other way around.
>The CLC is a time travel device. It minimizes the time difference between the time captured on the recording and the current time<

Well Audioaril you'd better tell Kirk and Spock so they don't corrupt the time space continuum when they warp back to the 21st century to check this out. Although if the clock is powered by dilithium crystals, it may prevent any such occurrence. Beam me up Scotty.
>the two who took the sighted test heard no difference with the clock in or out of the house<

What a surprise! Anybody else as stunned as me regarding this outcome?
*Charlie, then what's your take on the one member in our club who correctly knew when the clock was in or out of the system?*

He guessed very well. In any group there is always one person who through gifted insight or dumb luck (much more likely) to guess (not predict as that is based on fact)more accurately than the rest. It's simply a matter of probability and statistics.
There is no proof, logic, or empirical data to support any evidence that this product works. The manufacturer has been dancing around an explanation for this and "silly pebbles" for a while now.
"on the hush hush".
OK I promise not to tell anybody if everybody else does too.