Clever Little Clock - high-end audio insanity?

Guys, seriously, can someone please explain to me how the Clever Little Clock ( actually imporves the sound inside the litening room?

Showing 12 responses by albertporter

I was trying to find a way to demo this "Clever Little Cock," put that phrase into Google and got some sick porn stuff.

What is with you Audiophiles?
Each individual human had a fundamental adverse problem imposed on their senses when they had their first photograph taken. A photographic image captures the unique identity of the subject of the photograph but imposes a significant temporal (time) asymmetrical pattern. The action of this photograph radically changed the inner symmetry of the senses of the photographed human being. Fortunately, this debilitating adverse condition is reversible.

Does this mean that a person such as myself, someone who's made their living as a professional photographer for more than 30 years, is guilty of "temporal time distortion" of the personalities I've photographed ?

Does this explain the behavior of people I've photographed, such as Arnold Palmer, Vendula, Peter Frampton, Jimmy Page, George Bush, Little Richard, Bunker Hunt, Dan Marino, Robert Plant, Grace Slick, Kathy Ireland, Joe Cocker, Joe Gibbs, Bobby Labonte, Ross Perot, Jimi Hendrix, Boz Skaggs and Eric Clapton ?

I hope there is no penalty for that! I've probably exposed several hundred thousand images over the span of my career and I don't want the government coming after me for what I though was an otherwise honest business.

I wonder too, all that talk about images in the freezer.

Eastman Kodak suggested (about 50 years ago) that keeping valuable images in the freezer would prevent them degrading. There's a chart that lists the "life" of images at various temperatures posted somewhere, (maybe at the Eastman Kodak web site?) Seems like I remember Kodak negative films good for maybe 20 years at normal room temperature and over 100 years at freezing.

So, question is..........does that make Kodak a co-conspirator? And what about my wedding negatives? They have been in the freezer for nearly three decades................does this explain the "chilling" relationship that's developed between my wife and I over the years?

Last but CERTAINLY not least, should our son (note the photographic terms here) ever "develop" a "negative" relationship with his future mate, could Peter Belt and Eastman Kodak be held accountable (financially) in the alimony settlement?

These are serious question for serious times.

First was a woman, second was a woman.........UNTIL she walked into the building and the impact transported her: (see: Clever Little Clock).

.......back to the moment of conception.


This is no laughing matter, one more man, one less woman, and an audiophile somewhere is all alone on Saturday night.
I know some blond's that have an "illusion" of a brain.

Two blonds walk into a building. You would think the second one would have noticed.
Golly gee Guido, can the WMC give me a ride all the way to Mars?

Could it really make my old desktop radio sound like a ten foot tall Bose?

Last, I'm afraid to ask because it's too much to hope for.

Will the WMC allow me to go back in my childhood?

There was this wonderful girl in 8th grade named Barbara and she had very long legs and she used to sit.............Well, I'll tell you when I get back.
I wonder if the cat in Schrodinger's box had a clever little clock so he could estimate how long before he went to the place with milk rivers and slow mice?
Yes, Sherod.

"Tomorrow Never Knows"

All three from Britain.

Words from the Beatles, and words from the reviewer. I'll go with the Beatles version.
I am going for the Clock. Tom

Tom, remember the clock is a TIME TRAVEL device. We may not be here when you get back.
Guido Sez:

Huh? Oh no, I know exactly how the CLC works. . . same as my lucky-pet-Pecan, which I used to carry in my pocket for several years.

Guido, Is this the bit where you ask a pretty girl to reach into your pocket?

She says," I feel silly doing this," and you reply, "Dig deeper and you'll feel nuts."
Listen Slipknot, Patricia Barber songs "Carp" on me enough, even without the "Billy Bass' Replica (or is that Trout Mask Replica?) hanging on the wall.

This brings up the inevitable conclusion that listening evaluation is probably extremely flawed in these types of tests no matter how you slice it or dice it.

I think the more proper way to evaluate equipment is to put in a component and the listen to it for several days and then make the switch. For some reason, rapid A/B switching doesn't allow the brain to make the adjustments quickly enough.

Otherwise, how would you explain these results?

Boy do I ever agree with that!!

Long term listening is the only way to achieve satisfaction with one's system. Quick switching is not how we enjoy music and certainly not how to decide on the equipment either.

This does not imply my acceptance or denial of the ability of the Clever Little Clock. At this point I cannot tell who is in favor of it and who is having fun in this thread.
Hey, I'm not taking sides here, just agreeing about long term listening.

Zaikes is suspicious about this thing working and so am I, but I have not tried it. Because of that, I've avoided comments except for fun remarks with the rest of you guys.

The CLC guy has probably sold about 200 clocks over this thread if it has a fraction the power the "Home Despot" (Lenco Turntable) thread.

Hell man, their fighting over them at Ebay (the Lenco, not the clock :^).