Clements Speakers

Has anybody heard of these speakers? I stumbled onto their web site and they seem to have good specs,reviews and bang for buck factor. Thanks in advance for any comments

@psgary  I have a pair of 801di and like them a lot. Are you familiar with Solus speakers?  Also made by Phil Clements. I came across a pair of SC -6’s and cannot find hardly anything about them?? 

Sorry. The previous post should read "The 206di handle bass . . ." Plus, the Clements website is
Clements speakers are exceptional. Terrific value. I bought a pair of the 105di bookshelf speakers and the sound was amazing for such a small box. I've also listened extensively to the 107di bookshelf and almost bought a pair. But I got a fantastic deal on a pair of floor-standing 206di's and have been extremely happy with them. You can believe the reviews on the Clements website. I reviewed the 206di at Audio Review. Just look under Clements speakers. Th 206di hand bass, midrange, and highs with detail and clarity. I could go on and on. Please feel free to e-mail me for any further information, and no, I have no commercial connection with Clements. Just a contented owner.
Clements always produced well above average speakers. I was not aware they were back in production. If possible please forward their web address...Thank You