Clearaudio " Innovation" - What?

Clearaudio has been around for a while and has quite a few well made models to cater for different ends of the vinyl market. I've noted their most recent models are called CA Innovation wood turntables which looks quite attractive where as I find most of their past acrylic models unappealing.

Calling their new model "Innovation" is a bit pretentious perhaps. I'm just wondering what true innovations has Clearaudio brought to the vinyl playback over the years? I'm curious to learn from those who has more knowledge on the subject.

Showing 7 responses by rockitman

There is also a new "Master" innovation (which I will receive shortly). In addition to the ceramic magnetic bearing, it will also employ a similar magnetic drive setup that is used on their statement table ($140,000). Not bad for $24k.
^^^The new (not yet on the CA site) is a quad plinth'd magnetic driven Innovation called the Master. The lower platter is belt driven w/ optical speed control and it magnetically coupled with the record platter above in the same way their statement table does. Both platters (drive and record are on ceramic bearings) As mentioned, I will have the first copy in North America...bought and paid for, should arrive w/in 2 weeks. There is a picture of the protoype in my system link below.
12-14-11: Hiho

P.S. My concern with the Clearaudio approach is the top deck's bearing. To allow the driven platter underneath the top platter the bearing shaft has to protrude down to hold a platter so naturally it cannot allow for single ball bearing well and my guess is a type of angular contact bearing --similar to the EAR Disc Master turntable-- that has more contact point than a simple one baller. To gain no contact on the platter you have to add more contact points on the bearing. You gain something, you lose something. No free lunch.

Is that how unit works for their magentic drive on their statement table ? If you don't know, perhaps your concerns are purely speculation ? How is magnetism compliant ? There is no physical contact between the belt driven drive platter and the magnetic interface of the upper portion of the drive platter that connects to the shaft that drives the upper record platter. In fact you can slide a piece of paper through between the drive platter halves while it is spinning. The bottom platter is split in two and that is where the magnetic coupling is done. Not sure I fully grasp your concerns. Unfortunatley I have not seen the table in person and will be able to better describe it's engineering once I receive it.
Here is a video of the master innovation be demonstrated by Musical Surroundings at RMAF 2011!
Thanks Hiho. When I assemble the table I will endeavor to photo the various steps/parts to get a better understanding on CA's magnetic drive implementation. I will put them up on my website that I will link too.

