Clearaudio MAGIX Magnetic Isolators ?

any information about Clearaudio MAGIX Magnetic Isolators?
Footers which use magnets to float the component on air between the 2 magnetic fields.

Showing 1 response by _r_walter

Hallo Mejames,
years have passed, but perhaps someone still is interested in this subject. Several points have been mentioned so far: I could not experience any disturbing magnetic influence on sensitive audio crcuits. But what about the suspension efficacy?
I had 12 (twelve) Magix2 underneath the PX 100 M. They were quite effective but could not eliminate ground floor noise. I removed the Magix and placed the 40 kg Onkyo on the “TT 100” table (Lignolab, Bochum, Germany.

Complete success and satisfaction! layer_embedded#!

best regards

PS: I have no financial interest in LignoLab