Cleaning cd players

What is the best way to clean the lens of my cd player? What is the best way to clean DVD's and Cd's. How often should I do this?

Showing 1 response by gmkowal5c1a

I recommend that you do not use any liquids when cleaning the lens on your CD player. The reason for this is twofold. Most liquids will leave a film which is not desireable in itself, but you also risk the film aiding in the accumulation of dust particles on the lens. Solvents are not recommended as they may damage your lens. I have tried (but do not recommend) waterless Isopropyl alchohol with some success. The water in the alchohol is what causes the residue. I do however, recommend purchasing lintless lens cleaning tissue from a camera store, and using that alone, being careful not to use much pressure when rubbing. Good luck.