Cleaning audio components with 90% isopropyl alcohol

I am about to clean the cable tips and the component input jacks with 90% isopropyl alcohol. The question is, how long do I have to wait before I plug everything back in? Thanks everyone.


Showing 1 response by dekay

I've been using MG Chemicals ElecroSolve for years now.

Prior to that I used Cramolin (sp?) which may have later developed into Deoxit by Caig and for a while I used Kontak cleaner from Europe.

I've been told that alcohol can damage the gold plating on tube pins, so I do not use it on anything gold plated.

I've also read (here) that high percentage isopropyl alcohol most likely contains carcinogens due to the manufacturing process so I switched to 91% to use in my DIY vinyl cleaning solution.

The MG cleaner is readily available on the WWW.

Sorry for more run-ons than usual, but I'm in a hurry and out the door.
