CleanerVinyl Ultrasonic record cleaning system.

Does anyone have experience with this U/S record cleaning system. It seems a very economical way to go considering the $3-4K all in one systems.
Thank you

Rafr, I'm not sold on TergiKleen as a solution. It's awfully expensive for something that is basically Tergitol. A simple and inexpensive variant of Tergitol that many people are using very successfully is Triton X-100, recommended by the chemist in the Audio Kharma thread above and readily available from Amazon and Talas.

My tank solution is a combination of Tergitol S-15-3 and S-15-9 (because I cannot obtain the S-15-7 recommended in the Library of Congress formula since I'm not a laboratory). The Triton X-100 is a single alternative Tergitol so one less blending step. (Tergitol is made in a mind-numbing number of slightly different formulations for differing purposes).

FWIW, Harry Weisfeld has tested both 40khz and 60khz tanks and reports he cannot tell any difference between them in the results he hears. ( See: ) The tank I listed above is a 40khz tank that is also sold with the Ultrasonic Records V-8 kit and has been working well for a lot of people. It's certainly working well for me. 

I am pretty well convinced that you should plan for 1" spacing of your records in whatever setup you choose, and that you not overload the tank. That is: up to 4 records in a 10L tank (not 8) and up to 3 records in a 6L tank.

Rafr, here’s a link for the formulation I am currently using in my ultrasonic tank. It’s giving excellent results when followed by a double rinse:

For the two Tergitols I’m using (S-15-3 and S-15-9), you could substitute Triton X-100.

For rinsing, I find my best results come from using a high purity water and vacuum drying between rinses. If you have a Whole Foods Market in your area, their bulk dispense DI water is nearly comparable to Type 1 Reagent grade lab water, and the cost is just $0.39 per gallon (bring your own container).

In my final rinse, I do use Type 1 Reagent Grade water that a local lab is kind enough to give me from time to time. In my final rinse, I also add a bit of 95% Ethanol (for not more than 3% of the total rinse solution). The Ethanol is highly volatile and serves to bind and further contaminants in the groove, act as a surfactant to get into the grooves and as a drying agent to speed drying without any residue.
Rushton, I have seen your formula and seems very reasonable and am planning on using it. The reason I asked about the TergiKleen is that it was posted after your post on your formula and wanted your opinion. 
I fully understand, not overloading the the cleaner and the 1 inch separation.  When cleaning 2-4 records at a time do you feel the inner sides and the inner records get as clean as the outer side of these records or better to just clean one record at a time?

When cleaning 2-4 records at a time do you feel the inner sides and the inner records get as clean as the outer side of these records or better to just clean one record at a time?

I clean 4 records at a time in my 10L tank spaced 1" apart and the inner sides and inner records are just as well cleaned as with just a single record in the tank.

Have been using a 10L tank and hand turning the records on a homemade spindle, but only as a rinse with distilled water. 
Using AI products, somewhat highly concentrated "Down with Dirty" followed by #15. I allow each to sit on the record surface 3-5 minutes, maybe light scrubbing rinse with pretty warm tap water and then rotate in the ultrasonic with the distilled. Keeps the grunge out of my tank and removes the minerals from the tap water. 
It just seems pretty expensive to load the tank with fresh solution and contaminate it with dirty record product, only to drain and repeat. 

BTW, thanks for the heads up on this. Just purchased one on Ebay..