Clayton Audio - Alive and very well

Fellow members:
I have long been a huge fan of Clayton Audio amplifiers. I recently purchased a new S2000 Dual Mono Class A amplifier with 300 WPC.
I am thrilled with the state of the art performance, natural presentation, and black background of this amplifier. I believe the new M300 monoblocks with upgraded power supply offered by Clayton are similarly adept. I encourage those interested in high power solid state or tube amplifiers to consider the new class A Clayton Audio amplifiers. You'll be glad you did!
Happy listening to all!

Showing 2 responses by philipwu

hi audiobrian,

with your extensive years of experience with Clayton amp, could you describe its sound charactertics? does it sound clear, no curtain effect, analog, velvet but not syrupy and ideally suited for movie soundtracks, trailer music, full orchestral with modern mix, e.g. E.R.A.

 lastly does it match with ESL speakers ? due to high phase angle pose by ESL speakers. Thank you, your opinions will be highly value


Thanks audiobrian,

Yes, indeed i'm using ML speakers now, your comments are also very informative. my concern is whether Clayton amp would suit my genre of music. I don't use it for watching movies, but listening to soundtracks like Lord of the Rings, Inception, Princess Mononoke etc... I also listen to Pop , R&B too.. 

due to my unique taste, i needs an amp to have a lot headroom for complex dynamics, also low noise floor to be able to hear subtle notes produced from instruments at the back of an orchestral, with fast slew rate for delineating between mass strings, horns, trombones etc.. and all these should be heard without feeling a thin veil between me and the stage.

am I too demanding?