That was one of the best sounds I have ever heard from a stereo system; and what started me on the HE audio trip. Driven by ML 25W moons and Janis subs. Remember it like it was yesterday. Blew my mind. First time I saw and heard Maggies, too. I’m showing my age. This was circa 1978.
Classical music, symphony AND planar speakers
Does anyone like this combo? ie Martin Logan, Magnepan, $5 k or less?
Maybe it is the same person with a different name on several other forums that says they don’t sound good together, IDK
OTOH I have heard that solo acoustic?instruments, voices, and small groups are rendered well or with a distinct realism.
Maybe it is the same person with a different name on several other forums that says they don’t sound good together, IDK
OTOH I have heard that solo acoustic?instruments, voices, and small groups are rendered well or with a distinct realism.