Classical Music for Aficionados

I would like to start a thread, similar to Orpheus’ jazz site, for lovers of classical music.
I will list some of my favorite recordings, CDs as well as LP’s. While good sound is not a prime requisite, it will be a consideration.
  Classical music lovers please feel free to add to my lists.
Discussion of musical and recording issues will be welcome.

I’ll start with a list of CDs.  Records to follow in a later post.

Berlioz: Symphonie Fantastique.  Chesky  — Royal Phil. Orch.  Freccia, conductor.
Mahler:  Des Knaben Wunderhorn.  Vanguard Classics — Vienna Festival Orch. Prohaska, conductor.
Prokofiev:  Scythian Suite et. al.  DG  — Chicago Symphony  Abbado, conductor.
Brahms: Symphony #1.  Chesky — London Symph. Orch.  Horenstein, conductor.
Stravinsky: L’Histoire du Soldat. HDTT — Ars Nova.  Mandell, conductor.
Rachmaninoff: Symphonic Dances. Analogue Productions. — Dallas Symph Orch. Johanos, cond.
Respighi: Roman Festivals et. al. Chesky — Royal Phil. Orch. Freccia, conductor.

All of the above happen to be great sounding recordings, but, as I said, sonics is not a prerequisite.


Showing 50 responses by jim5559

I have just have been lucky enough  to hear the live steam of the Berlin Symphony

on the every year 31st.

1. Bruch Vn 1 ,  Beautiful , one could ask for no more ,Jenine Jansan.

I could say the Berliners could turn on a dime , but I would have to cut the dime in half first,.

2, The ""Firebird Suite"" ,   I felt a bit strange ,what's going on here.

Got to the point where I got up and paced around the room.

A lighting bolt struck me , without a sole , the Berliner's, to my brain ,have no musicians , The music itself sang for itself more than the Greatest Diva ever could .

At that time in that music Berlin had THE Greatest Orchestra in the World .!

3. Revel ,La  Waltz ,  Same as Firebird with less power as you would expect.


Perhaps , I  just figured out how to listen after x decades .

Honest . They were seamless !

And their conducer was not there as ,of yesterday the virus struck him

Thanks rv!

I’m not a piano expert , I just play what I like with somebody I want to hear .

This Haydn piece is all of that !



The mahgister strikes again .

Happy New Year !


Don’t tell , but Vietnam Regular Army didn’t mind to take on US Army, Marines or Navy .

If they heard the South Koreans were around they had something else to do.


I see Legault is shutting the door again . IMO smart .

mahgister. found you the same Korean lady ! This time you get a beautiful Schubert

, really he is that forever . Unusual , that though Asians play him well , few get the real Germanic touch as well as her .



Holliger is a fantastic musician ! 

Doing a lot of conducting these days .  Some think Haydn did not write this .

NOBODY  questions  who played the oboe .



You caught me , I really don't like  Idagio or the rest of them , no great reason , 

just don't like them . What you said is all I need.


I love Opera and go as much as I can in Chicago .

One thing I know,, I will never hear anything as Great as they this side of heaven !

The two were made to sing together by God .



You are  the man  204 ,  whatever you say goes with me.!


Thanks ,edcyn, us  mortals would  sure think they would be worn out but they would need about 2 minutes.




They told her she was not a Mozart singer ,I imagine Wolfgang Amadeus minded not, !

My 72 LP’s of her is not enough .



Any thoughts on this Qt  on Schubert  ?

Jim 204 said they were great on Haydn and I agree .

IMO Corelli is at the head of the Great , who cares, in North American at least.

He had influence on two Germans , Bach and Handel, esp. the later..

When I need both rest and energy I often go to Corelli .

The orchestra  is the Slovak Chamber Orchestra out of Prague in 70's and 80's .

More proof  of my cry that the Czechs are the most Classical Music  people in the world .



Well, you do have great taste , mahgister !

I need to go back from most present composers because there is a lot of dissonant

and very little consonant .

Only Janacek got over that mountain ,at least to my taste . Of course he was Czech, build into his native tongue .

Basis is Basic .

You can NOT be too passionate when it comes to the greatest feat of the Western World !!

All else in Art is a picture of something else , Classical Music is the thing itself .

Here is a pianist who is doing the best of Schubert ,

which is to say the best . Never heard her but she is up to it and in to it!





Hmm, she seems to do""lesser Composers ""as well .

As she is with a band I love guess it’s OK .







Hillary Hahn is the best the USA has .

This small German group does it best in Germany’s most blue- collar city playing

God’s best .



Thanks, Jim .

As far as my non-musician ears will take me , the Toccatas with Pinnock are Perfect !

Yes, I did.

One night Microsoft just took his ten and put in 11 without him knowing, which cleaned off every single thing that was on his large computer !

The way Audiogon works it is impossible to use the same Handel twice .

You MUST use a new Handel . I chose Jim5559 as I think Jim204 is a /the star on

here , just thought if anyone asked I would say this .


P.S . I started before rock butted in .

Besides , I just used Schubert because on the day I started with same it was nobody but rockers on here , Didn’t like and made a fool of myself as if

I was great , still hate rock , a huge blow to American society .

Took music that was based on romance to one based on lust for starters

That’s a good one rv☺😊

This is a jewel very rare here .

Read his bio, Kodaly did much for Classical with children.



As you know rv, they both drank from the well of Hungarian folk music .

To be honest I don't really know myself , often takes me a half -hour for one.

Often I can't  do the one I want .



Jim, point , Brits march much better than we do .

What you have left is world class .

On the Anglican Drill Field  a post  says "WAR IS WON ON THE  DRILL FIELD "

Point . Discipline !

Jim , in US lately we hear a bunch of trash , which is passed off as the future of Classical .

Discipline is needed in everything , just heard some MIT Scientists say the pollution of the seas is beyond fixing .

My heart aches for the little ones .

Well Jim , 3 days ago I’m pretty sure I got ominun? , the newer virus , all the first

night was coughs and head aches , but my breath was normal and that would make me a fool to go to a hospital , home of death . Better 2nd day and this day,

still coughs but less ,

Glad i had 2 jabs and a booster,not bad for in your 80"s,

Besides , being brave like 70 % Scottish and rest German , I would beat the hell of

the non-jab crowd down there crying for the doc to wave his magic wand .

In a way it has/ is been good , on the edge of death I had no fear .


Thank you and do the same ,jim.


rv , it was much easier before 11

It  is becoming a hell where all must lick the big shoes of the mighty.

Tried over 9o minutes for naught ,

I always thought that a requiem was a mass ?

For reasons not known to me, the worst things get , the calmer I get .

Two times in Army I was thought dead in hospital , Not really , I was whatever

you call almost dead but you come back.

Both times I was not in fear because wherever I was, there was no fear .


I love Mozart of course , but the other genius , Schubert,, brought the feelings

to me that Mozart bought to you guys , Mozart is the greatest writer of music .

But Schubert is the greatest writer of humanly music .

A musician sees Mozart, the Lady in Church sings Ava Maria ,

Schubert makes you think of all things human.

My version for what you say, and rightly so, is simple , Prayer .

God is not looking for a spiritual opera.


P.S .

Madama Butterfly is a spiritual opera , very much so.

It’s more your Glory.

I find among very intelligent people I know they use spiritual all the time.

Most are people who can not understand why if there is a God why he allows

the horrows of our world .I have to turn my head when I see a 3 yr child weighs

ten pounds and a 13 year old girl is less than four 4 ,ft tall on a "Save the Child",,which is my chief fund ,, ad on TV .

Or why is my son or my mother or my wife have, cancer .

And a thousand other things. I don’t have the answer.

All I can think of , is mankind has proved there is infinity and if there is a God

all the Sorrows of this earth are less than the blink of his eye .

And there is always Pascal.


It's midnight and  I'm tried  but i think I read Bach had fantastic math power in his head hence counter-point etc

also  Think that Brahms read Pascal - he did have an IQ  off the chart


Oh some drunk or drugy might forget but if you read Pascal  your' likely smart

    enough to remember

Viva La Quebec !


Last week we did not praise to the sky the birthday of Mozart, a despicable act.

I most give one of Schubert’s greatest pieces a rendition on his 225th this Monday.

Praise be to him from Brahms "He is the greatest of us all " !

They sleep next to next for infinity in the Wein City Ground .


If they still had the Top Ten composers of yore , Brahms would be in my top 5 .

This Scottish lament was played for the Duke of Edinburg as he was laid to rest .

Came to me, this is also played as every Canadian Soldier , Sailor and Airman

, no matter where they have Fallen., The lament is played by a lone piper as six men bring the dead to the tarmac from the belly of an RCAF plane .


I was a bit sad for the Duke but very few had a life like he.

Those young Canadians had so very little.

That’s to cry for .  




The German " I had a Kameraden " is sung by soldiers in many Armies .

USA being one. Canada will stay with Scotia Forever .

I’d like to hear the Burn’s "Soldier Returm""’ sung . No luck

ASK and Be Heard !

I’ve never heard Ian Bruce, sounds VERY much the man for the job!

I used to but few on here were interested .

That Chamber Czech Orchestra is indeed a winner !


mahgister , Music in a land with no soul will want Music with no at least

90 % of the people .


In North America Mexico is the exception .

Thanks,204 .

I'll see if I can buy one .

The D  Chaconne is one of the Masters  best !

You got to love It, a great French composer, a German Band and a Japanese violinist !

The Greatness of Grieg , to Me at least , is his music can speak to any and all 

facets of being  a human being whether they know it or not .

A True Aficonado of Music knows what and that it did not come easy or soon.

I plan to listen to this  Sonata at least 3 times more today , its a school .

P.S , Julia got a pianist of her class , WOW !

Few months ago Gramophone  declared the Minnesota the Orchestra of the Year.