Classical Music Compositions from 1940 and later - Vinyl only

This is the theme for the next music listening gathering of our local group and I'm looking for suggestions. This is a vinyl only listening session, so new music available only on digital are excluded. Yes, I know that is limiting, but that's the way it is for this listening session. 

A few pieces I've been thinking to bring from my collection, just starting from the "As",  are:

Adams, John - Harmonium, for large orchestra and chorus - De Waart/San Francisco SO - ECM 25012
Alwyn - Str Qt 2 (1975) - Quartet of London - Chandos ABRD 1063
Alwyn - Symphony No. 2 - Alwyn/LPO - Lyrita SRCS 85
Arnold, Malcolm - Pf Trio, op54 - Nash Ensemble - Hyperion A66171
Arnold, Malcolm - Overture to Tam O'Shanter, Op51 - Eiji Oue/MinnO - Reference Recordings RM 2510
Bernstein - Serenade for Violin Solo, Strings and Perc - Bernstein/SymoftheAir, Isaac Stern, vn - Columbia

What music on LP would you recommend? 

Showing 8 responses by schubert

Richard Strauss- Metamorphosen - written in last days of WW II , as gripping and intense as music gets with masterful counterpoint.
Von Karajan/Berlin Phil

Witold Lutoslawski -Concerto for Orchrestra-1954
Segi Ozawa/Chicago SO Angel S-1  36045
Little heard gem played by the perfect band for it , also has the fabulous Janacek Sinfonietta of 1923 on it but you can skip that.

kmccarty, + 1 for the Strauss Oboe Cnt., I was going to mention it but looked years for a vinyl recording and never found one .Seems to be none on Amazon either.

Rushton , a noble effort on your part to call attention to  those little played  fine composers !
Ned Rorem  in particular caught my eye , I believe he is perhaps the best  neglected American composer even among classical lovers. His songs are superb and his Violin Concerto is exquisite  . I think there was a vinyl of the later on Erato but seems unlikely you’d ever find one .
Thanks Learsfool . I'm old and lazy and if I think its a one -off like the Oboe Cnt. I just skip the soloist . It is lazy and I shouldn't do as I know better.
Copland was more a composer for the American Dream which is far from the American reality .
The mention of Ives by Learsfool really got me thinking about who  is the best expositor of America in his music and in what work does he express the American reality best.

I say its Samuel Barber in his 1947 masterpiece " Knoxville ; Summer of 1915" based upon what many think is the Great American Novel , James Agee’s "A death in the family " .

The fact that Barbers "Adagio for Strings" has become the de-facto American anthem in times of tragedy is also a strong argument for him being the most American of composers .

rushton, there is a Rorem Naxos CD, 8.559128 ,in their American Classics series called "The End of Summer" that has some of the most original Chamber works I've heard in a long time  Every time I play it, I play it again which is rare for me .. Sorta like Messaien on LSD .
Excellent sound as well .