Classic preamp for Plinius SA-102: need advise

I have the newest (and the best, for me) Plinius power amp. The SA-102. It is an expensive amp so my budjet for a preamp is therefore small (1000-2000 US$). BUT, reading some commnents on old classic preamps I found out that I may
get a used preamp which is as good or even better than the ones that are manufactured today.

Could you please give me a hand on this? Here it goes:

1. I do not have a turntable (so phono is not an issue).
2. The Plinius has lots of punch, impact and an extremely open sound. So I am looking for a tube preamp with a liquid (but not too much coloured, of course), soft highs and good bass, plus with LOTS of air.

I thought that maybe an older Audio Research (the SP-10 seems to be bad for CD; maybe the LS-5?) or a nice Jadis might be good mates for my Plinius. What would you advise me (brand and models)?

I would definitely consider the Sonic Frontiers SFLine 2. You can go to the Sonic Frontiers website ( and find all the info. you need. It's a tube pre. incorporating six 6922 tubes, no power tubes, SE and XLR, and seperate power supply in a small chassis. If you have the room, and can find it for a good deal, try the LINE 3. It has 10 6922s and 2 other tubes I'm not sure of. It also has a seperate power supply, but in a full size chassis. Make sure you get the LINE 2, it has the famous puck remote.

You should also look at B.A.T Balanced Audio Technology. I don't know as much about them, but my brother has a VK-3i.
Agree with tube options above.
You can also spread yourself over passive preamps that can realy integrate good with Plinius 102.
I used to own a SA 100 mark 3 and I tried it with an old VTL delux pre amp ($ 600 used maybe less) and it sounded pretty good, smooth and airy and a little sweet. but not the last word in definition, thats something I'm always willing to sacrifice for involvement. I like S.F. gear too but it is a little dry for my taste however its quite accurate and might suit your needs. Conrad johnson gear used with this amp resulted in a rather dark sound. Experiment and enjoy!