Classe Seventy amp found in alley

Sitting in my downtown alley was this Classe Seventy amp. Other than a little bit dirty and having some sort of felt glued all over the top, its condition is good. And after hooking my Dynaco preamp up to it with some average speakers, it works fine. I'm still trying to figure out if I stumbled onto an abandoned, stolen item or maybe it was found in a move-out pile and the scrounger couldn't sell or trade it so he dumped it where I found it. It's kind of heavy. So did I find something desirable?
Czarivey, if YOU had your equipment stolen, would YOU give the exact make and model of the equipment? I know that I would. In fact, I would do it with any of my possessions if they were stolen. How else could you identify it as yours? That was all that the OP reported, make and model, not serial number.

To the OP, good for you. You did the right thing and it worked out in your favor and you have a clear conscience.
Sounds like a great policy. Destroy any lost items, even if other people want them.
I know that once a year the Drug Task Force has a big auction for confiscated cars and other items considered ill gotten goods. Surely this could be used to sell other items like lost-and-found stuff. But it's probably just a case of time and money. Things would need to be stored, etc. And most used stereo equipment has little value, of course. Guns (forbidden subject?) are routinely destroyed. Always seems odd that when grandma turns over grandpa's old shotgun (possibly with antique value) they crush it....LOL.
Csmgolf, I definitely would give exact make and model, but not sure if I would remember the serial number at all. Make and model? There are thousands if not hundreds of thousands. Go figure.
If your house is broken into and your valuable items are stolen, you would file a report, with the model and serial numbers with the police. Also, for insurance purposes, you have to be able to properly identify what was stolen. You should have a detailed list of your valuables with make, model and serial numbers and include pictures and provide that to the insurance company. They bet on their customers not claiming everything stolen because they don't have or keep records and can't remember. This includes clothing also. When you are upset, it is hard to remember. so make a detailed list and take pictures.

But, in most cases, if you can't properly identify your stolen items by serial number, there is a good chance you will not be able to recover them.

I just know that in the case of stolen items, pawn shops, etc. if the police track items to pawn shops, they will use serial numbers. I mean, there are lots of Rolex watches stolen and pawned. Which one was yours? prove it. That is what will be said.

The OP did the right thing. Don't take any chances. There is no such thing as a free lunch. Report and be safe. Conscience isn't the issue. It is really about protecting yourself.
