Classe move to China

I've just learned that Classe has moved production to China. Has anyone taken delivery of a Made in China Classe product?

Will moving to China devalue the brand? Will quality suffer?

I am thinking of purchasing the new CA-M300 monoblocks, but this move has me hesitating.

Showing 9 responses by schubert

Lenin once defined a capialist as "a man who would sell the rope at his own hanging" .
Life support?
Try a dead corpse being fought over by vultures for the scraps.
Pubul57.If Your butt was put in an average Sino factory you would commit suicide within 6 months.
If you buy things made by slave labor you too will be enslaved.
We ALL know Lenin was not a nice guy ,on the broken clock is right twice a day factoid it doesn't bear mentioning.
Yes there are shades of gray but the people who harp on this are usually trying to excuse themselves for acting on
the many things that are just black and white.
Germany is a country,the USA is an Empire.Germany is a Social Democracy,the US is not and so has no need to consider the overall good.
Democracy in general is merely the political system of capitalism, preferred because in all places and times fools will always greatly outnumber the wise.
Ever notice how all those its "your sacred duty to vote" ads are run by the largest corps?
Inna,Germany did not start WWI, the Russian Czar and French
Bankers had more to do with it than the Kaiser .
WWII was chapter 2 of WW I and blaming Germany and crushing them under reperations,combined with the american
bubble collapse aka Great Depression brought it about.
Voting analysis shows the German voted less for the principles they are cursed for than other nations do routinely in good times.
True,Germany will be eternally guilty for the holacaust
as will americans for slavery.
There are no innocents,we are all guilty.
Japan modeled a good deal after us,Germany never did,especially in their educational system which they,correctly,deemed better than ours.
They adopted a parmaential Social Democracy as opposed to our semi-feudal system of "checks and balances" expressly
designed to thwart democracy.
They can compehend it,they just choose not to,in favor of feeding their
insatiable ego
Inna,Good Luck explaining your "all else is irrelevant on Judgement Day,you will surely need it.

Macrojack,you above comments serve as a model of intelligent,reasoned, non-polemic arguement.Congratulations.