I own a CDP-10 and recommend it highly. It has true balanced outputs and no upsampling. if you can get it for a good price then do. You would probably have to spend a lot more to get anything that sounds better.
Classé CDP-10 Impressions/Opinions?
I am on the hunt for a new source (looking at CD or SACD players available local to me only). I have been testing a Marantz SA7001KI (SA8001 in the US) for the past week and a half and really like it. I enjoy the slight warmth and full-bodied Marantz house sound. I also had the chance to try an 840C (did not like at all) and a Raysonic CD128 (liked but was expensive and I found it a little agressive).
I was about to pull the trigger on the Marantz, but I just found another option from a local hi-fi shop - a preowned Classé CDP-10. I have always liked Classé gear, though have primarily had experience with their amps and preamps, not source components.
I wanted to ask if anyone has had experience with, or owned, the Classé CDP-10, and what your thought are. I have read the online reviews though these are a few years old. That is actually just the one slight concern I would have - with the improvements in digital in recent years, how would the 5-6 year old Classé stack up against modern players?
I was about to pull the trigger on the Marantz, but I just found another option from a local hi-fi shop - a preowned Classé CDP-10. I have always liked Classé gear, though have primarily had experience with their amps and preamps, not source components.
I wanted to ask if anyone has had experience with, or owned, the Classé CDP-10, and what your thought are. I have read the online reviews though these are a few years old. That is actually just the one slight concern I would have - with the improvements in digital in recent years, how would the 5-6 year old Classé stack up against modern players?
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