Classe CA-2100 - LED turn red, Amp shuts down, LEFT side of the Amp is extremely hot!

My Amp, which is a Classe CA-2100, has been acting up. It has a status LED light in front that usually stays Blue, but lately, the left channel LED turns RED and it shuts down. Whenever that happens when I goto the Chassis, the LEFT SIDE is extremely HOT! Like super hot to touch. NOT the right side.

The company is in restructuring so I am trying to see if I could get any support, but being a computer engineer and knowing a few things about electronics, is there a way for me to test and see what component is failing? I have access to multi-meter to do some measurements if necessary.


Showing 1 response by gs5556

Set the DMM to resistance and measure across the collector and emitter of each of the power transistors. If it shows an ohm reading then you have a shorted transistor. This is the most likely cause of thermal overload trip.

But first disconnect the speaker wires from the amp, turn it on and see if the problem persists (to rule out a short on the load side).