Classe CA 100 running hot

I hooked up new Goertz MI 2 bi wire and amp is cooking, not in a good way. Any Classe people with these cables? My speakers are B&W 805ns and low volume but amp running hot.

Showing 2 responses by sean

You need a Zobel network. Goertz supplies these free of charge and the dealer that sold you the cables should:
(A) stock the necessary parts for the Zobel
(B) made you aware of the potential problems with these cables
(C) get a major ASS KICKING for not asking what amp you were running when he sold you these. Any knowledgable dealer would have known that this would have happened. It could / could have damaged your amp.

As such, i would remove them from the amp ASAP and let the amp "heat down". It is better to let things cool gradually than to just shut them off due to the drastic temperature shift involved in doing so. Once you install the Zobel's, i think that you will find that these are excellent cables under most circumstances. They will sound much better once the zobel's are installed and the amp is running into a stable load. If you bought the cables on the used market, shame on you for not doing your homework before spending your money. Luckily you caught this before the amp cooked itself to death. Sean
For further info on Goertz cables, zobel's and amplifier oscillation, try doing a couple different search's in the AA "cables" archives using the keywords "Goertz", "Zobel" and "amplifier oscillation". Keep in mind that Goertz cables are NOT the only cables that can cause this problem to occur. Sean