Classe Audio products, past vs. now?

Just a wonderment that you may be able to help with.  I had owned quite a few Classe Audio components at one time.  Owned their best pre and power, CD player and even the Tuner-1.   I had enjoyed their units and liked the sound of the CD player with the Ultra Analog chip.  With this said, where does Classe Audio stand today?  Do they still pursue SOTA 2-channel audio or have they sold out to "home theater"?  


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So…has anyone tried the Sigma Amp2? I’ve never owned Classé but have been aware of them for years, mainly their older stuff. It appears B&W group owns them now and, yes, it’s made in China. My instinct tells me to run away, but I need to buy something as my Stasis PA5A Mk 2 (a Nakamichi clone of one of the Threshold amps) has finally asked for a divorce by blowing a cap and I have neither the time or ability to change it myself. Has anyone attempted to make the jump from Class A all the way to Class D amps?  Thoughts?  Thanks!