Classe Audio products, past vs. now?

Just a wonderment that you may be able to help with.  I had owned quite a few Classe Audio components at one time.  Owned their best pre and power, CD player and even the Tuner-1.   I had enjoyed their units and liked the sound of the CD player with the Ultra Analog chip.  With this said, where does Classe Audio stand today?  Do they still pursue SOTA 2-channel audio or have they sold out to "home theater"?  


Showing 1 response by garebear

…….perfect answer wahtjd and appropriate !!! I have owned several Classe product's through the years starting with the original David Reich DR-9 amp. That was a beautiful piece and I had the pre-amp to match. ( MR-6 or something  like that ) and this is going back to the late eighties early nineties. Enjoyed those pieces for years. I went  back to them a few years ago with the CA 2200 amp and CA 800 pre-amp. Then I moved up to the CA 2300 amp and were all are very good sounding pieces. Then Classe did something stupid and moved all of their production to China as they were originally made in Quebec Canada and the quality control suffered. The company sank and their products value on the used market was next to nothing. So I moved on and from what I have heard they were bought out or financed through a new entity and have come out with some new and really good gear. Overall good company that has gone through some changes but that original DR-9 and their DR-8 ( class A ) amps were really good. Worth a try out in my opinion. I hope this helps.