Class D Technology

So I get the obvious strengths of Class D. Efficiency, power output & running cool which allows for small form factors. I also understand the weaknesses somewhat. 1. Non-linear & lots of distortion that needs to be cleaned up with an output filter. 
So my question is, if it weren't for efficiency & power, would there be any reason to own a Class D amp? Do they beat Class A in any other categories that count for sound quality?  

Showing 2 responses by timlub

I'm not sure that I can help the discussion much, but here you go.... Class A vs Class D.  In theory Never switch should be better than switching. Obviously No Switching distortion.  With that said, I have owned 3 Pure Class A amplifiers which I loved.  
Recently,  I went on a Class D benge.  I purchased 11 amp modules and have built and listened to all of them.  I've had Abletec, Pascal, Ice, TPA, TDA, STA modules and maybe more.  In every case,  the better that I made power supplies the better the amps sound,  even low cost STA modules could be quite good.  There really can't be an argument that these amplifiers are audiophile quality.  Sure,  other amps could be your cup of tea, over these, but no doubt,  Most (not all) of these amplifiers produce a satisfying amplifier. 
I have found on at least one of these,  I can add a z comp circuit PFFB which stabilizes the frequency response using different speakers.  These amps are still developing.  Class A and AB won't go away,  but I do want to encourage others to leave your bias at home and occasionally take a listen to class D as they continue to develop.  

Hello all.  I'm not able to be on here as much as I used to, but I will answer when I can. 
@atmasphere   Hi Ralph,  You are correct, I don't necessarily use engineering terms,  but that may be because I am not an engineer. 
I have posted in the past that As much as I do know and practice about speakers, I've spent my adult life working on, building, modifying and designing speakers,  I found that I was only touching the surface with amplifiers.  I was out of place in some more technical conversations... So I decided to learn.  6 or 7 years ago, I started buying bad amplifiers,  repairing and rebuilding and in general just learning about amplifiers.  I have repaired or rebuilt maybe a dozen old classics and today am fairly competent doing most repairs or modifications on amplifiers. Compared to those builds,  my class D quest has been fairly simple.  I have been purchasing class D modules and doing changes.  With these modules, I built with linear supplies and switching supplies,  both when hefty enough supplies were used would produce quite good results.... I started mostly just upgrading parts on these boards to very high quality parts.  I have done very few circuit mods,  but I have done a couple.   Many of these amps do a good job.