The Amplifier is the New Class D Mono Amps using GaN Fets in a unique Patented
Circlotronic output stage…Design by Ralph Karsten of ATMASPHERE MUSIC SYSTEMS 

Rated at 100 watts 8 ohms and 200 watts 4 ohms with low distortion across the full audio bandwidth with excellent noise characteristics 

I have been using ATMASPHERE MUSIC SYSTEMS MA-1 3.0 with all factory upgrades along with NOS 6NS7 Input Tubes for many years 

The New ATMASPHERE MUSIC SYSTEMS CLASS D has outperformed my MA-1 3.0 in all areas…the resolution and transparency are simply an Amazing Accomplishment

Also I sold my MP-3 mk 3.0 and purchased the New MP-3 mk3.3

In my Audio opinion I believe the ATMASPHERE MUSIC SYSTEMS CLASS D MONO AMPS used with the MP-3 mk3.3 will offer one of the most transparent sounding electronics combinations to date…only using the MP-1 mk3.3 will offer more performance 

I have used other High End Amplifiers in my system and the ATMASPHERE MUSIC SYSTEMS CLASS D MONO AMPS outperformed all of them as well

Music Lover…Audiophile…Retired Audio/Video Engineer over 45 years 

Thanks for Reading 

TubeGuy 45


Showing 6 responses by noske

@kuribo a large segment of the market likes state of the art design, excellent objective performance, as well as a neutral and transparent sound.

Slightly circular I think, because those words define the "market" as being those who like state of the art design, excellent objective performance, as well as a neutral and transparent sound. That is actually quite narrow, by my reading, and so large segment is correct but moot.

My own definition of "market" would be substantially wider, and would include other variables, without necessarily excluding those mentioned. Perhaps a different weighting scheme, for as is conceded, everyone has different tastes.

Perhaps by choice like yourself, or for other reasons.  Irrelevant.

@kuribo From the website -

The Class D amp has the same kind of distortion signature {as tube amps}, but at a much lower level.

This, to me, is reasonably unambiguous. From what I understand of Hypex and Purifi (and others, of course) amplifiers, they make no such claim about harmonics. I suspect measurements may confirm this. I’d bet on it.

I’m as concerned about the definition of the market as you are with your amplifier preference. "in the market" would be the worldwide production and sale and availability of stereo amplifiers. Within this there are many other more narrowly defined markets like an overlapping mess of circles on a page, each with their own and overlapping characteristics.

So the "great number of people" must be taken in this context.

@twoleftears  That AGD price is for the stereo unit.    The Atmasphere are monos.

The AGD monos (Audion in satin)  are $7500. 

But even then, one coould speculate.....The question is how much of the difference in price is due to the bling factor and other stuff - the AGD bloke reckons somewhere that the cost associated with sticking a small city into the KT88 tubes is significant..  I'm not surprised.

Compare the pics, if you may, at you leisure.

@kuribo If the maker of this amp provides similar measurements, we can make that assessment.

But Ralph specifically says that his amp does have 2nd and 3rd harmonics at some level..

If I’m interested in buying a car that is grey, I don’t even think to bother the dude who is selling a red car for details about it.  That’s just me. I can’t speak for we.

But if I did wish to ask about why the red car is so much better than a dull grey car, I would do so politely and with due respect for the red's superiority.

@twoleftears As regards proprietary modules, power output, and price, the two products are directly comparable.  The fact that one is housed in two cases is secondary.  The Audions are nice but not only considerably more expensive but also less powerful than the Tempo di Gan.  My proposed comparison seems to me to offer the levelest of playing fields.

This is impeccable logic, and I agree, thankyou.  Ralph is much more forthcoming about certain design features than AGD bloke.  This is important to those of us who are curious, bearing in mind the words of @cal3713 ,above, which I concur with.

Ultimately, there is no debating opinions. The only thing that can be debated are facts

Actually, its the other way around.

and on that basis, there can be no denying that class d on an objective basis performs superlatively.

The words "perform superlatively" need to be clarified because the word perform has (at least) two different meanings in this context.  This is a fact.