Class D is just Dandy!

I thought it was time we had a pro- Class D thread. There's plenty of threads about comparisons, or detractors of Class D.

That's fine, you don't have to like Class D amps, and if you don't please go participate on one of those threads.

For those of us who are very happy and excited about having musical, capable amps that we can afford to keep on 24/7 and don't require large spaces to put them in, this thread is for you.

Please share your experiences with class D amps!

Showing 4 responses by listening99

So, I’ve been pondering and studying class D, from the layman’s perspective (I’m no electrical engineer, can’t solder, can barely find the transformer), for several weeks. I’ve particularly reviewed Wyred4Sound, D-Sonic, Class D Audio, Apollon, Nord, VTV, Emerald Physics and others. I was excited about purifi and discovered a very good deal on the VTV website, but then when I called out for reports on VTV, as little can be found online, I was immediately met with a critical review, claiming that VTV did sloppy work on the purifi amp this person ordered. I came away concerned that I might have to ready myself for repairs, on a new amp, which this other gon’ers amp required.

So, here’s the deal... I have a new pair of Tekton Moabs, which at 98db are efficient. I’m using a Schiit Saga (tube+passive), as well as a Modi 3. I also run a Nuforce STA200, which is delightful for most listening. Unfortunately, it does not pound out the lowest notes when needed, and when I push it into 90db and up, it quickly heats up to a point where it’s obvious the amp is struggling. I want a cool running, efficient amp. I’m sure tubes would sound great on the Moabs, but we hit 93 today, and 105 (and higher) is just around the corner.

...and so, to conclude: Do you have a recommendation for a class D amp that would match well with the Moabs?

Thanks, for your considerations...
Thanks for the reflections that might help me dial in my speakers/system from an amplification angle.

So, this is where I am (1): just bought and have been using the XTZ A2-300, which runs off IcePower. Amazingly, the sound signature is NOT much different from my NuForce STA200. It may be, in the Nuforce, that the midband is slightly more rich, more lustrous, but in normal listening, where I’m more into enjoying than critiquing, the differences quickly fall away.

The new XTZ runs cool, supplies more than adequate juice (up to 470@2.7ohms), seems to provide a little more shape to instruments within the soundstage than the Nuforce. For instance, the dimensions of the drum set in my favorite ’instrument’ reference CD, Harry Connick Jr’s "Lofty’s Roach Soufflé" is more realistic.

I’ve also noticed micro-dynamics from the XTZ that seem a little more glossed over in the Nuforce. Unfortunately, I think there are huge psychological impacts that arrive with a new piece of gear, and the mind/ears are more vigilant and likely make a bigger deal over presumed new discoveries that might have been equally attractive if someone had fooled me and placed my previous amp in the chain before playing a song I have been cycling for the past several months.

I'm all too familiar with my enthusiasm for the new sexy thing that arrives in the post and how that enthusiasm carries me through the opening phase or two with that sexy new thing.

So, here is where I am (2) ... I’ve paid $500 for the XTZ. It’s great, no problem. However, I know it’s definitely a bargain audiophile product and while it is amazing for the money, I’m wondering if anyone can speak to how IcePower compares to the Purifi module, or the Hypex modules, or Pascal.... I mean, if I can pay an extra $1000 or $1500, would I hear substantive improvement in soundstage, tonal accuracy, vocal purity, etc., or am I just about ’there.’

I know it’s only I that can say for sure, but have any of you studied the differences between these amps and found significant distinctions from one modern class D amp to the next?

Thank you,
@arctikdeth I want to invite you to take a particular (Class D) amp you have auditioned and give us a clear evaluation of your experience. I've had my first class D amp for about ten days and I have a very hard time equating your summary point or points with my experience. I tend to be interested in different points of view, but more detailed evidence is needed, if you really want to make a solid case... otherwise, I'm just hearing a very strong opinion; we could all benefit from a carefully constructed and amply (NPI) supported viewpoint...
@guidocorona I neglected to "follow" this thread, until now, so I’m just getting around to your question... In terms of power, the Moabs are rated to handle up to 900wpc. I’ve run 80wpc and now I’m running 300wpc with an XTZ A2-300. The 80wpc would have been fine, sounded wonderful, but the amp could not handle the 4ohm load. I heartily recommend the NuForce STA 200 to anyone looking for bargain solid state audiophile amplification, but it does not do well when pushed to 4ohms and below. To be more exact, the amp performed just fine, even very very fine, so long as I didn’t ask it to produce much more than 80db on a continuous basis.

Budgetwise, I'm hoping to stay at $2000 or below. I'm presently on a 30day trail with the XTZ, so I'm interested to hear if anyone can boast a superior experience with a different module than what I'm finding in the IcePower.