Hi. Has there been favorable review on any LOW powered,(Klipsch friendly) Class D amps? Any recommendation? I’ve had a Cary at 125 WPC which to me sounded dry with prominent bass, but nothing with AB smoothness or Class A midrange, that would work on Heritage Cornwall?


Showing 2 responses by rajugsw

If it's a Box Woofer Klipsch. You NEED JUICE to move that Woofer. A flea bag Tube Amp is only good on the Horns. I ran Orchard Audio Ultra's on my Cornwall IV's with a Tube Preamp (BAT VK50-SE, Black Ice Audio F360, and my favourite Black Ice Audio Aries Headphone Amp/DAC/Preamp. 

Of course @kennyc . I’ve put Orchard Audio Ultra’s on the Woofers of my Cornwall IV’s and a Black Ice F100 with 6550 Tubes and even the big KT170’s. Excellent results. You get the fast articulate Bass of Class D while getting that "warm & gooey" mids and high’s that horns with Tubes are known for.