Class A Watts

Are class A watts more powerful then class AB, or is a watt just a watt. In other words would a 100 watt class A amp struggle with speakers that a 200 Watt class AB amp can handle just fine? I guess current would matter as well. Anyway, I was just curious.

Showing 3 responses by lowrider57

Bombaywalla... for clarification, are you explaining what some manufacturers such as Plinius refer to as Class A/AB?
"The why of it is that all amps, tube or transistor (or class D) make more distortion into 4 ohms as opposed to 8 or 16 ohms. This distortion is audible as increased brightness and loss of detail. Put in a nutshell, if **Sound Quality** is your goal, it is best served by a speaker of 8 ohms or more."

OK, I'm following the theory, but as far as audible distortion, wouldn't this be more evident with a tube amp (let's say a SET amp) using a 4 ohm spkr rather than a SS amp into a 4 ohm speaker.
Wouldn't this distortion with SS amps show up more on test specs, not in a listening room?
"You can talk to any amplifier manufacturer and they will tell you the same thing- that fact that their amp can double power into 4 ohms is not the same thing as saying that the amp is sounding its best into that impedance. "

Oh, I totally get that part. Thanks for the thoughtful explanation, Atmasphere.