Class A Solid State Sound

Would someone kindly describe the differences in class A sound of Pass XA.8 series, Accuphase A-70/75 series, and Gryphon class A amplifiers. Does much or any of the differences relate to mosfet (Pass and Accuphase) or bipolar (Gryphon)  output devices?  Thank you!


Showing 1 response by batman1971

George is right on this.  Back to the OP’s question reguarging sound.   I’ve had several pass amps over the years , if you like that voicing it’s pretty similiar in all their lineup.   The gryphon ss amps asound more like symphonic line amps or boulder amps.   If you do t have gryphon dealer nearby you might wanna listen to a boulder as they seem to be a little more popular in the USA