Class A or Class D solid-state amplifiers (modern designs)

Hey guys.


Class A is supposedly superior. Something to do with a conduction angle of 360 the entire signal gets processed in one go without crossover distortion.

But in terms of sound quality (subjective enjoyment) is there a benefit to Class A? Can class D provide the same level of enjoyment?


The dealer I’m talking to says that really nice Class A amplifiers are designed for "reference quality" meaning completely true to the real life performance.


Let’s compare and contrast. Which one is technically better?


In other words, could you have equal technical performance and quality in a Class D amp?


- Jack.


@tweak1  - thanks so much for your reply - your comparative experience is really helpful to me - at some point I am going to add a GaN to amp mix & owners of the LSA all seem very happy with the choice - Have a great day!

“LSA Voyager GAN 350 wpc class D is a kick ass amplifier.  I have had multiple highly regarded class A amps and tube amps.  Not yet heard other GAN class D amps.”

Respectfully, I owned the LSA Gan 350 and put it in my professionally calibrated audio system. My Parasound Halo A23+ amp wiped the floor with it. The Gan350 did have a smooth grainless top end but it ended there. It did not “project” music like the Parasound did. The Gan amp was boring. Wasn’t engaging I. Comparison. Bass was more muddy in comparison. Mids were more recessed and top end, while smooth and grainless,  was just boring and did not engage. Lacked bite. It also has more hiss when I cranked the volume with no source playing. I tried to like it but it wasn’t to be. The Parasound remains in the system. 

I recently purchased a pre-owned Classé Sigma Amp2 (class D) in mint condition to pair with my B&W 802D and am really enjoying it. I got a great deal ($1,300 - MSRP was $3,500) and it tested favorably in all reviews it was featured in. Anybody else have experience with it?

AGD Gran Vivace owner here. After 30 plus years I have found the amp to run with my Don Sachs pre or others (ss and tube pre's) The AGD powers Spendors to Spatial and Tetra speaks. 

Julian Verker founder -Vereker considered Naim amplifiers belong to the "class B" category where bias current is minimized. Sounds fantastic  ;^)

Merrill Audio makes very nice class D.