Class A multichannel amplifier?

I just bought a 5.1 speaker system consisting of Coincident Technology Triumph Rxtreme II speakers with the front left and right speakers being supported by their passive subwoofers (which also act as speaker stands) and the left and right rear speakers being supported by the Coincident Technology speaker stands.

As these are high efficiency speakers I was wondering if there was suitable multi-channel Class A amplification, or at least a 3-channel and stereo amp that would be a good fit.

I will also need a high quality AV processor from Classe, Anthem, Arcam, Integra, etc and would like to hear any recommendations.

I just bought a Panasonic 65" plasma and an OPPO BDP-93, so any advice would be most welcome.


Showing 1 response by jeffreybehr

Allchemie, you heed a multichannel preamp, NOT a pre/pro, for your expensive system. I have and love a c-j MET1; McCormack and others also make them. With an analog preamp, the player does all the decoding and bass management and you use the player's analog outputs to the preamp.