Class A/B Home THeater Receivers

Are there any new Home Theater Receivers that have not gone over to the "Dark Side" (Class D) ???  I love the old Class A/B Home Theater Receivers, but most do not have HDMI. Thanks.
David Campbell,

     It's been over a week since I asked you on 1/22/17 a few questions on your thoughts on class A/B and D amps.  You have not responded to any of my 5 questions.
      I'm assuming  your work responsibilities are keeping you too busy to respond.  I understand work duties are of primary importance.  Therefore, I've reduced my 5 questions to a single one I hope you'll respond to:

Can you name any important performance measure or quality that could be in any way accurately described as a cost, ’negative’ or sacrifice of switching from class A/B to class D amplification?


" Can you name any important performance measure or quality that could be in any way accurately described as a cost, ’negative’ or sacrifice of switching from class A/B to class D amplification?"

     C'mon!  The silence is deafening.

     There is ABSOLUTELY NOBODY who can name A SINGLE, AS IN  ONE,  performance measure or quality in which class A/B outperforms class D?

     Well, I guess that means there is absolutely no reason that anyone should even consider continuing to use or consider buying any product that utilizes class A/B amplification.

     Don't feel bad, I can't think of a single benefit of class A/B either.  When I replaced my amps from all A/B to all D, I thought that there might be some performance area or quality that would suffer.  But that was 2 years ago and I still cannot name a single   performance measure or quality that could be in any way accurately described as a cost, ’negative’ or sacrifice of switching from class A/B to class D amplification, either. 

    Case closed, right? 

     To be fair, let's see if ANYONE can think of ANYTHING, just ONE performance criteria or quality that class A/B betters class D in the next week.  If there is no response in a week then I think it's safe to perform a eulogy for class A/B.


This post is directed to Tim.  Tim, I do not appreciate the way you've hijacked my posting.  Your never-ending posts are condescending, rude, and quite frankly, boring.  Please leave my post alone and start your own.  I asked what I thought was a simple question, and got many helpful replies... Somehow, you've become obsessed with trolling my post, and I would like it to stop. Do what you have to do to make yourself happy, but don't presume to know what's best for everyone else who posts on this forum. so... have a nice day... and please go away...
Hi Bruce,

     Your post drew my attention because you referred to class D as the 'dark side'.

      I understand you want a class A/B AVR because your 'old school' (behind the times) and think class D means digital which it does not.        

     Then later in the thread you cast further aspersions on class D claiming there have been numerous amp failures without explaining where you read this, whether it was a problem with one brand/model, whether it was an AVR or an amp or even knowing whether the reports are accurate.
       Many on this thread, including myself, have no idea what you're talking about and have used class D amps for years with no issues.
       Class D is extremely reliable and outperforms class A/B in every performance criteria while also being less expensive, cooler running,  smaller, lighter and more efficient.  You even admitted the class D AVR you auditioned sounded 'cleaner and more detailed'.
       The truth is that nobody, including yourself, could name ANY advantage that class A/B has over class D because there aren't ANY; zilch zero and nada.  
      Of course, you're free to disregard the facts and the opinions of posters who have owned and used both types of amps.  I didn't mean to hi-jack your thread, I just thought you should know the facts before purchasing your future class A/B door stop.
      Someone with your lack of experience with,and lack of knowledge about, class D amplification should just keep their 'old school'  pie hole shut.

Hi Brucew5828, what’s silly is class d really is crap!, I run all pure class A krell Amplification on my main system , I also have a class a/b reciever that will kill any class d , to do that, you need to buy a high powered vintage receiver like the kenwood kr-9600!, trick the whole thing out with elna silimic two, and nichicon kz and fg capacitors, and modify the tuner Board with better op amp, and modify the power Board, among other modification’s, this reciever is duel monaural design, pure 160 watts per channel, and can do 4ohm load speaker’s with even more increased power, btw, my krell is also modified, lol!, it’s the only 700cx out there, done by krell them self’s, so any thing is possible, tricking out a good high power quality reciever is cheaper than spending $12,000.00 on some slow class d amplifier 😎