Class A and B differences?

I have been auditioning the Pass Labs X-250 amp along with the Spectron Digital amp versus my Kinergetics KBA-75 power amp. My system consists of a Sony SCD-777ES, BAT VK-30SE preamp, B&W 803 matrix series II speakers, Acoustic Zen silver ref. ICs, Hologram speaker cables, JPS digital AC and power AC cords along with an Audience power AC cord. I hear the differences between the amps but I was expecting to hear larger differences, like a WOW what have I been missing. The Pass has more detail and seperation but maybe 10% max 15%. Is that the difference between a class A rated amp and a class B rated amp? Or is my Sony CD player or B&W speakers not up to the Pass amp capabilities?

Your comments are appreciated.
Ooops! Big, if you ain't getting the bumps with the Pass, look elsewhere for now. UNLESS it's a matter of electrically matching yr pre to the Pass. OR we have to reconsider the set-up, as you imply in yr last sentence.

In this last instance, & if we leave the speakers out of the discussion for now & look at the chain upward, the ONLY excuse for the Pass is that it's amplifying ALL that it's getting from the preceding Sony & BAT combo (do follow Sean's advice & leave the Pass on for 72 hrs, however).

In which case, you may want to test the Sony direct into the Pass (using volume attenuation, of course). There are numerous mods for the Sony that, reportedly, help a lot & don't break the bank account.

As Twl implies, however, you may wish to reconsider the component to upgrade... perhaps a newer B&W? I think the "Wow" factor is hidden s/where between speaker & pre -- THEN power amp. But that's just me.
When I read your thread I was almost sure that you were refering to "Stereophile rating". This is always confusing, although the previous comments were still very interesting.

From my experience having a Pass X-350 and since I experimented with few other speakers and many other amplifiers, in my opinion I think the following:

1- Sean is right. Pass amplifiers need a very good break in period. After a week of using it you should notice another 5-10 % improvement.

2- I would not blame the Sony SCD-777, but the B&W 803. Your speakers are limiting the overall system performance.

First of all, I'd suggest that you consider the source for the class "A" or class "B" rating. These are just as you state, "reviewer ratings". Just trust your ears.

Secondly, some people prefer the "classic" sounding devices to the newer designs. Maybe that is a factor here.

I can tell you from my own personal experience that an audio component doesn't necessarily live up to it's price tag. For example, I've owned a Krell FPB600 ($12.5K) and a Plinius SA-250 MK IV ($8.5K) and yes, they sound quite different in my system. Both sound very good in there own respect. But, my preference has been with the Plinius. Is there a $4K difference? Not in my system. So here you have what TWL calls "diminishing returns". I also agree with TWL, that a 10-15% improvement is actually quite good, especially at the high end of audio gear.

Another factor to consider is how much difference will you hear in your current system by changing one component. Some times a very good component just won't shine in the wrong system. Could also be a factor.

Now, I've never heard the Kinergetics amp or the Spectron (yet), but I do have an opinion on the Pass amp. Pass! Some of Nelson's earlier designs sounded very good. IMHO, the new series of amps do not. I considered (auditioned) several Pass amps about a year ago.

One last word of advice, shop around. Listen to as many different amps (in your system) as possible before settling on one. Otherwise, you may wind up with a “for sale” post here sooner than you expected to.

Good Luck!
Listener is the first person I've heard to have the opinion Nelson Pass made better sounding amps in the past, meaning, I guess, the Aleph series. I own a Pass X-150 powering large ribbon speakers. The Pass X amps will faithfully pass along whatever you feed it. I don't like Sony, and wouldn't have one for my front end. I feel they sound too clinical. The B&W 803, a good rock speaker, does not have the resolving ability of an electrostat, panel, or ribbon speaker. I've been through a number of amps, and the Pass X amp proved to be a relevation. It doesn't sound like anything, really. It is substantially more dynamic than other designs I've tried. It's greatest achievment has been it's limitless sweet highs.

I just heard a Plinius 250 class A amp. I didn't learn anything about it because it was running some ancient speakers that colored everything. On the other hand, with my system's being ruthlessly transparent, any small change shouts out, wheher it be a tube switch or an amp switch. Most resently a visiting Llano failed to win my heart, to say the least.
I am not saying that the Pass does not sound good and maybe I should not expect more than a 10-15% improvement. I just WANTED to be so blown away that I had no other option but to buck up the $$$. I am hearing a very refined amp with the Pass, very musical, natural sounding, but I guess that I was thinking of 30-50% improvement from a $6K amp versus the $2200 ten year old Kinergetics. I asked the question awhile ago to upgrade speakers or amp and got a very mixed review. It was easier to audition amps in my home since many dealers are willing to let me try them out versus sending speakers. I also have the Linar Audio amp coming this week and possibly a BAT VK-500 or 6200. Any others? Most of the amps can be bought for $3500 or less new or demo so that would be my price range.

Thanks for all the repsonses.
