Class A amps

I've read a few articles on class A amps but still don't have a good understanding of how it affects sound quality. I've even seen amps which can be swithced into class A mode or AB. Does anyone have experience with this type of unit? Does class A have a true audible advantage or can it be detected only by test instruments? If it is audible, in what resepects? Thanks, Rick M.

Showing 1 response by oldhvymec

I still have a pair of T400s an a S500 it's loaned out..

My T400 were set up by a serious Threshold NUT. They will push anything. He worked with James B for 2 years.. I had a pair of 2000 Ampzillas too. They will push a load too..

I haven't heard EVERY class D but I've heard a few and own both ICE and Hypex Ncore.

For high fidelity I'll take the Threshold stone stock.. Tuned correctly.. 
Nothing even close for the money...

I'm a hard core Krell guy too.. Say what you will. They can cost you a fortune in every way, but 1-400 class A watts is pretty mind blowing. Sound lab, MLs, Custom planars.. Krell active crossovers..  130 lb MBs
I've placed and wired a few pairs at 220/240. THEN they sound right..

I'll take them over big Macs any day. For HIGH fidelity. Same with Threshold over any SS Mac.. I like Mac SS (kinda :-))

Pass cost WAY to much, and has for a while, for me.

I'm looking at 20 acres of land 200k. An amp that cost 1/4 of 20 acres. 

Pretty simple choice for me.. The Threshold will outlast ME...
