Class-A Amplification and 15 Amp Outlet

Pardon my electrical theory ignorance, but I have always been intrigued by the beauty of Class - A sound, as such, I am actively exploring a purchase. My question is based upon the power draw (even at idle) and the ability of a 15 Amp wall outlet to provide such without tripping. I have looked at the "big boys" from Pass XA160’s, Gryphons Essence Stereo & Antileon EVO to name a few. I do not have the option of installing a dedicated circuit in my unit. So, would I be ok if the electronics (including a DAC/preamp) were on the same circuit?



Showing 2 responses by bigtwin

Watts devided by volts = amp draw.  The Pass XA160 you mention draws 600 watts, which equates to 5 amps (600 watt devided by 120 volt power supply).  My entire system (Hegel H590 amp) draws less than 2 amps when playing music.  You should be fine on a 15 amp breaker but you need to calculate the total amps required before choosing equipment? 

@carlsbad The OP's question was "My question is based upon the power draw (even at idle) and the ability of a 15 Amp wall outlet to provide such without tripping."  The simple math above addresses that question.  The value of power cables is a competely different subject.