Albert, I haven't heard them, but I've been told that the Convergent Audio Technology(CAT) JL-1 is a helluva amp. You can use 6550s, EL-34s, or 6L6s in it for your preference. Pentodes wired in triode. Push-Pull. Performs much stronger than the very conservative 100wpc rating. I've read reports of it playing as strong as the Jadis 500, but better. Still not the equal of low powered single-ended triode, but plenty of guts. If you can stand a lower power than that, the Wyetech Topaz using 572s is reported to be a real great one. I don't know if you like 572s or not. Supposed to be better than the VIVA that you had before. BTW, there is a Berning Siegfried 811 ZOTL on the A'gon classified right now. Only $2750. I've always thought that this would be worth a listen. Might not have the extreme power you are looking for, but it is 12 real strong great-sounding single-ended OTL watts. I know you are well aware of the trade-offs involved. Keep us posted on your progress towards amplifier nirvana!
Clash of the Titans
Any members fortunate enough to have beard any combination of the amps listed below?
VTL 750
Tube Research GT 400
Wolcott Presence
Jadis JA 500
Atmasphere MA2 MKll
Your experiences with reliability, performance, power, dynamics, and how it controlled the speaker. Please include short list of associated electronics and favored source.
VTL 750
Tube Research GT 400
Wolcott Presence
Jadis JA 500
Atmasphere MA2 MKll
Your experiences with reliability, performance, power, dynamics, and how it controlled the speaker. Please include short list of associated electronics and favored source.