Clash of the Titans

Any members fortunate enough to have beard any combination of the amps listed below?

VTL 750
Tube Research GT 400
Wolcott Presence
Jadis JA 500
Atmasphere MA2 MKll

Your experiences with reliability, performance, power, dynamics, and how it controlled the speaker. Please include short list of associated electronics and favored source.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xalbertporter

Showing 3 responses by tekunda

Albert, do you bi-amp your U-1's? You might have overlooked the Double Kronzilla SET monoblocks ($40.000 per pair)
A friend of mine is bi-amping his Martin Logan Prodigy with 2 pairs and I assume if they are heavy duty enough to drive those speakers, they will drive your SoundLab also. And according to him, nothing better for an ESL than a SET amp without negative feedback.
I might be the first person in Germany to set up such a system. I have ordered a pair of Soundlab A-1 to compare the bass against my ML Prodigy in my system in Florida. I have read everything what people say in respect of the bass, so I am very curious how the Soundlab will compete against the Prodigy. But should the A-1 only equal the Prodigy, then the U1-should be the better speaker and I will hook up a U-1 to two pairs of these Kronzilla amps for my German system.
You can read about the giants of SET: and click their English website if you like.
these Kronzilla are monster tubes. They take about 120 man-hours to make and Dr. Kron its using the help of bohemian artisan glass-blowers. If I may add my two cents and I do not work for Kron Enterprise, these are the most exciting SET amps in existance today. More a piece of asrt than juts an amp. I just spoke to my friend again and he believes that the amps are very well capable of driving the Soundlabs. And he said if anybody understands amps, a SET with zero neagtive feedback is something really special.
I will soon see and hear for myself.
I will definitely post my experiences here, but since my Soundlab speakers are in the process of being built, it won't be before the end of August, before I can post here concerning these amps and Soundlab speakers.