Clash of the Titans

Any members fortunate enough to have beard any combination of the amps listed below?

VTL 750
Tube Research GT 400
Wolcott Presence
Jadis JA 500
Atmasphere MA2 MKll

Your experiences with reliability, performance, power, dynamics, and how it controlled the speaker. Please include short list of associated electronics and favored source.
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Showing 3 responses by gregm

Allow me to chip in with my limited experience.
Jadis: sound can be best desctibed as emminently "musical" for wont of a better word. My experience with smaller models & briefly with 800, is of a very full sound where it's difficult to discern what you do NOT hear, even if listening critically to sound rather than to music. It is indeed difficult to listen to sound only; the music always took the upper hand with me. Reliability: VERY sensitive to the quality of the electricity supplied, so with loder models, small fluctuations could cause large problems ("blow-up"; allegedly, their components are driven to the limit). However, Detlof has such operational problems under control. Surrounding equip with Jadis 800: their own pre (the "big" one), Audio-Physic Medea speakers, Clearaudio ref TT/ Insider. Music was classical 100%, lieder & symphonic. Nordost cabling (spm throughout). Pls note that the Medea has an active servo sub, and 3x Manger drivers on each speaker for mid-high. The amps were driving the Mangers, ofcourse.

Atma-sphere 60W (model??) driving the same speaker. Same set-up; not very good matching s/where. We changed pre to a CAT ultimate, using the CAT phono. Better results, but we never quite matched the whole system -- we were doing s/thing wrong there... Only sonic comment: to me, the CAT/atma combo sounded slightly faster than the Jadis combo.
Reliability from hearsay, I'm afraid: no problem whatsoever from the few atma users I know... they display a "plug & play" psychology.

I have not experienced VTL, Wolcott, and T-Research well enough to comment.

Finally, a Soundlab experience: I was astounded by a smaller model's performance (still full-range panel: 1-2 below yours?) driven by the following unlikely combo: CAT ultimate pre, Symphonic Line Kraft 250 classA monos (ss), S. Yorke "Zarathurstra" TT/Pluto arm/clearaudio Accurate. Nordost valhalla cabling throughout. Music was classical as above, and included mono recordings and some blues. Full-range sound, astounding dynamics from a stat, top & bottom end I had never expected, and the wonderful feeling oof "being there" and not worrying about the sound per se -- just the music. From memory: effortless transients, natural timbres, harmony, and emotion... were all conveyed. (Pls note that while I listened, I wasn't thinking of all this poetic audio-critic mumbo-jumbo.) Magnificent speakers!
For what it's worth, both the CAT pre and the Kraft (particularly the latter) are very dependable...

Albertporter mentioned specific products in his thread. If sidetracking is allowed, I can follow up on Tekunda's post re: KR enterprises amps. I heard the Medea (see my previous post) driven by a pair of VT 800P (have I got model right?), 40W SET. By far the best sound of the lot WITH THOSE speakers and a CAT pre. Rest of system was same as above. The big "Kronzilla" are more powerful than the 800 it seems.

Didn't mention these amps as they were not on A-P's list -- but they have VERY impressive driving power and transient attack/dynamics. Not sure if bandwidth is restricted in the low end... Reliability is outstanding; the tubes boast s/thing like 20.000- 50.000 hours. No tube rolling though, these are proprietary tubes. Cheers!
Hi Tekunda,
Your experience with Kronzilla + A1 interests me too, immensely. Since you're in Germany, any chance you can try Symphonic Line's Kraft 250 with the same speakers? I've been trying to find the Soundlab model I listened to with the Kraft 250A monos -- but haven't been able to locate the owner... Certainly an A series by the looks of it, and quite tall & wide, so maybe an A-1 rather than A-3.