Clarity MR caps for external crossover?

I'm in the process of selecting crossover caps for my Tannoy 215 DMT II. Clarity, Mundorf and Duelund have caught my attention after reading Tony Gee and Jon L shootouts. I need pairs of 4.8uF. 36.8uF and 200uF caps, so the project using any of these brands is expensive, and staggeringly expensive if I go with Duelund. Would appreciate hearing from people who have used these caps in crossover applications.

Thanks in advance,

Showing 2 responses by johnk

Make sure you keep your stock networks what your doing may not improve sound quality over Tannoys network
Better to keep old network intact build new one compare the 2. How can you tell If its a real improvement unless you have a base to compare too. Best is to have 2 of the same model keep one stock make upgrades to the other compare measure changes. If not then its a true shot in the dark. For what I see some spending on over costly crossover parts they could afford this with ease.