Clarity MR caps for external crossover?

I'm in the process of selecting crossover caps for my Tannoy 215 DMT II. Clarity, Mundorf and Duelund have caught my attention after reading Tony Gee and Jon L shootouts. I need pairs of 4.8uF. 36.8uF and 200uF caps, so the project using any of these brands is expensive, and staggeringly expensive if I go with Duelund. Would appreciate hearing from people who have used these caps in crossover applications.

Thanks in advance,

Showing 1 response by jburidan

Thanks to all for your comments. After months of study, I have selected all parts for my crossover project. Decided to go with Clarity MR because of (IMHO) the price/value ratio, and because it's what Tannoy chose for its new flagship Kingdom Royal. Will report my results some months down the road...