Clamp & Counterweight For Rega P3-2000

Hello, a new member here and also a new owner of an ex-Audiogon Rega P3-2000. The 2nd owner bought it from someone here but never used it and I bought it from him.

Anyway, I have run into one problem is that the recommended force for the Green Rega Exact is said to be 1.75g and I have maxed out the sliding the counterweight all the way forward and it read at 1g. Force gauge came from my dad if you're wondering how a noob has something like that. I find it unusual for having to do that, where a stock turntable has the weights maxed out but still not having enough force. So I was wondering if there are aftermarket counterweights, that I can buy which are designed and recommended for the RB300 tonearm.

Next, does anyone have any suggestions as to if I should use a clamp on the record and if so, what kind of improvements will I get from using them.
Thanks for your advice Viridian and thanks for saving me money too.

My dad said he has a MC Supex of an unknown model which he said we pretty expensive at the time. It does need retipping he said, would you have any idea where I could have it retipped?
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