I finally got around to converting my Cav-50 to Triode..have always been a Triode preferer, this seems to make sense, and with my newly dialed in Altec Valencias this is a good combo...I would have to guess efficient spkrs a must...as for the sound; I find it Bloomier and more Rounded, less harsh and metalic...still missing something though, either mode you have to tweak the rest of the gear,Tridode is also broader, more expansive soundstage- tried NOS tubes, didn't seem to work in this rig,...
CJ CAV50 - triode vs ultralinear
I listen to rock, blues, and classical, and was wondering if anybody has an experience with the CAV50 in both modes. It's 22wpc right now in triode. Now it may be worth switching to ultralinear operation (45wpc) if there's a substantial difference in punch and volume when playing rock. Your views will be much appreciated.
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