Cinepro system at HI FI 2004

HI, anyone hear this system. Here's a pic of it.

Showing 3 responses by mikepowellaudio

The folks who pirated the Cinepro name have not the slightest idea how to demonstrate equipment. They think short skirts, wine and cheese sell amplifiers. It was insulting to many peoples intelligence, and harmful to many others ears. What do you expect from a chairopractor and an auto mechanic?(They will be shut down soon)
The ACTUAL Cinepro that stems from Eric Abraham has
a more refined product line. You can rest assured we will have more class, and demo the equipment with much more respect towards our fellow manufacturers, and potential customers.
Thanks for standing behind the product and the awesome design.
The amplifiers are great thanks to Eric Abraham, not the wise guys who pirated the name. I am happy you liked the designs, they are in our opinion the best amplifier available for Cinema. Just recently I have inspected and tested (on an Audio Precision Scope) a customers amp who bought one of these "NEW" 4 series, and it is not even close to the rated wattage, damping factor or peak current specs. Furthermore it had a "3K6" serial number inside.(if you have a 4 series check for yourself!) I would not believe everything you hear from these guys.
One fact is for sure.. the wise guys have nothing at all to do with the original CINEPRO.
I am glad they did not offend you.
Again, we are glad you love the design ! It will be carried on in style. One day soon, you will find out the whole Cinepro story. As a consumer, I guess it doesn't matter to you how or who you got the product from, as long as it rocks your world. The trigger was designed by Eric Abraham before he died. The grounding was improved by Eric as well before Erics new Mark III line was released. If you wish to believe these wise guys that it was thier idea, than that is your choice. One day, soon, you will get the whole picture. I am not knocking the design at all, I am simply standing up for the REAL person who made the changes.Too bad he is deceased and cannot defend himself and his design changes. Give credit where credit is due. If you want to see something neat, remove the top cover of your amp, and look inside for the 3K6III serial will say "3K6III". These amps should have been sold as NOS Cinepro items , or "upgraded markIII" The Gold versions should be sold for around $5000, Instead, they added a $2 "4K" badge, 2 $15 rear plates, and a power cord, then labeled it as some brand new design, and charge $8750 for it...What a hustle!! And to think that they took credit for designs that a deceased person made!!! God help them!!