CIAUDIO VDC-9.0 Powering Wadia 170I Transport

Is anyone using this power supply with their Wadia, and if so did it make a $279 improvement?

Thank you!
Too bad there has not been more responses to this question. I'd also like to hear some opinions from owners of the CIAudio VDC-9.0 and Wadia 170i.
Cleaner, clearer images from a darker background. Have had the set up for about a year and a half. Definite improvement over the wall wart.
I've had the Wadia over a year and added the VDC-9 a couple of weeks ago. I think the power supply addition did more to upgrade the sound of my system when playing the iPod than virtually any single component change I've experienced during my 50 years of audio hobby. I'm hearing things that I didn't know were on the CDs that I ripped to Apple Lossless. The difference for me was so great that I seldom listen to my CD players anymore (McIntosh MVP871 and Linn Akurate CD). My electronics are current model McIntosh and speakers are also McIntosh (XR200).
Thank you RLiddell, I have been enjoying the merits if the CIAUDIO for a few weeks now, a notable audio improvement in many respects!
Do you hear the improvements when using the analog out, digital out, or both. A review I read of the CIAudio power supply noted improvements in the analog outs but not much on digital out.
