Chord Hugo needs repairs in US

I plugged it in and heard a "pop".  It's dead.
Can anyone tell me who does repairs for a Hugo in the US.

Showing 2 responses by hgeifman

Please call the USA Chord Distributor and ask them who can service your Chord Hugo.  See:

Bluebird Music Ltd.

Niagara Falls, NY
Phone: 001 416 638 8207

Fax: 001 416 638 8115


If you have a local Chord retailer, you could always ask them.  

Please also contacts George Meyer AV.  They Specializing in High End Audio & Video Repairs.   I have never used them but their web site says they do repairs on Chord equipment.  See:

George Meyer AV provides an unparalleled quality of care when repairing audio equipment. As audiophiles ourselves, our staff caters to the true audio enthusiast who has a genuine interest in quality equipment. While the term “high end audio” often refers specifically to price, we recognize that it instead represents superior quality of a product’s components and sound reproduction, as well as its subjective value to an individual consumer.   We at George Meyer AV understand the value of both new and vintage audio, and in both our repairs for customers and our sales of vintage equipment, we insist on the same exceptional standard of sound quality that we expect to listen to as true music lovers".