Chord Dave - Missing soundstage width

Hi I am in the process of evaluating the Chord Dave.I have a Orchid dac and to my ears it has a wider soundstage than the Dave, but in every other aspect the Dave is the clear winner.
The Dave has height, depth and a way to make you feel that you are there. but not much sound outside the speaker boundaries.
Is my observation correct or does my system suck (;
Equipment: Primaluna HP integrated EL34 tubes. Tekton Design DI, A well treated room.Streaming with Tidal HIFI/Master

Showing 2 responses by rushfan71

Martin, I have Primaluna Dialogue separates including HP amp and I have Tekton D.I.'s also.
I don't have a Dave but I have experienced a similar situation between my Metrum Acoustics Pavane and my Sonnet Morpheus DACs. ( Morphues is a continuation of Cee's Ruetenburgs R2R DACs when he owned Metrum )
Pavane has a wider sound stage when compared to Morpheus. However after a couple weeks of A/B ing the DACs after a 500hr burn in of the new Morpheus, I've come to realize the Morpheus has a more focused center image an taller deeper soundstage.
At this point it's a matter of personal prefference. My friends are split down the middle on who prefers Pavane vs Morpheus.
I will say this, switching to NOS Mullard LONG PLATES have had a nice affect on sound stage in the Primaluna.
