Chord Dave and lInear power supply

I had been using Chord Dave and Mscaler for 3 years.


I installed linear power supply by Farad which cost me around 3k Euros including three separate power supplies.



Wow it is worth every penny.


I get more clear separation of each instrument with more tuneful bass.


Also slight sibilance is  gone.


It is Dave +. after modification.


If you own Dave, you had better try it.


The installation is rather handy.


You need to follow instruction.




Showing 1 response by rolox

I've had similar results buying a low noise LPS for my tiny tripath high-pass amplifier (in a tri-amped system). Much more natural, less grainy, less hash.

More surprising, swapping the iFi audio low noise wall-wart PSU that came with my iFi PDIF iPurifier 2 with a 30$ low noise 5V LPS from aliExpress also gave great improvement, which I didn't expect: more natural, again, less "stringent" upper treble, more depth.