Chord CPM 3300 ?

Anyone here have any comments on this high end integrated amp ? Ive read the stereophile review but would much appreciate some input from the audiogon members.

Well, my SPM 5000 is old also (I bought it used, 3.5 years old), as the current unit today is the SPM 5000E. Nevertheless it's great!
I own both the Chord SPM 12oo C and the SPM 1200 E. They are far more superior than any Amp I have heard. I'm in love with the Chord products. They are not well known in the states yet but trust me, they will be. They look really cool to. I have to sell one of my amps, not sure which one yet, they are both current models and close in performance. Go Chord you'll love it.

I heard them with wilson benesch discovery speaker, very fast, transparent sound, with excellent detail. I heard the system from bristol show in 2001.