Choral music with soulful rythum and energy

Lets start this with a gospel recording that will make your soul feel like dancing -

The Arc Choir, Mapleshade studios

The Angels, Mapleshade studios (not nearly as good as the Arc)

The Fairfied Four, Standing in the safetly zone and I couldn't hear nobody pray - just excellent!

Here's a great uplifting larger choir recording from an unknown college choir -

The Valparaiso University Chorale, Traditions: Hymns, Motets and folk songs - Vuca Media recording

I know there are some killer uplifting choir recordings out there which are upbeat and recorded well, I just don't know about alot of them, any suggestions?

I've got Cantate Domino too, thats a very good choral recording as well.


Showing 5 responses by thorty40

Sugarbrie, thanks for the suggestion. The Amazing Grace disk is excellent, just outstanding actually. I have listened to it over and over the last few days, in fact its playing right now. Its a fine recording and the performers are absolutely top notch.

Any other Telarc suggestions???? This one is soooo good........ :)

That sounds like a great disk Sugarbrie, thanks for the suggestion. Where does your choir usually perform? I've always wanted to attend a live choral performance, I think that would be tremendous. It would be worth the trip out east for the occasion, not that Chicago is that far anyway.

I know there are many killer choral recordings out there which are not all classical, not that there is anything wrong with the traditional but what interests me more are the folk tunes and gospel hymns that have a ton of soul and energy. Stuff that will raise the hair on the back of your head and really make you feel alive.

Its often tough finding the good recordings with all the drab and dismal choral works out there. Don't get me wrong, theres a time when those hit the spot too but more often than not I want to feel uplifted and moved.

Thanks for the scheduale, the Meyerhoff Symphony Hall is in the Washington area then I assume. I'll check the website for more details. Yes, I should really research the Chicagoland area for choral events, I'm sure I have been missing out on alot of fine performances.
