Chopin nocturnes

I am looking for suggestions for CD recordings of Chopin's nocturnes. I prefer impeccable sonics coupled with a spectacular performance with a lot of emotion. While I'm at it, I might as well ask for other Chopin recordings that you think are particularly outstanding.

Thanks in advance,

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Showing 1 response by t_bone

I must admit to never having heard Moravec performing Chopin so cannot compare. With this outpouring of Moravec recommendations, I think I know what my next few piano CDs will be... Of the others mentioned above (or not mentioned - Busoni, Dutra, Bolet, Dutra, etc), on the CD format, I am partial to Evgeny Kissin (with Pollini coming in a close second) for the Preludes. I have always liked Pollini on the Etudes.