Choosing a Good Phono Pre for a Rega RP-1 with a Denon DL-110.

I just purchased an upgraded Rega RP-1 turntable and a Denon DL-110 cartridge.  I have heard great reviews for the Lehmann Audio Black Cube SE II, but want to explore other phonos that might mate well with the Rega and Denon.  My current system has an Oppo/Modwright 105D source, ARC LS-16 (modded by Steven Huntley of the Great Northern Sound Co) and ARC VM-220 monos.  Any suggestions would be warmly welcomed.  Thanks!

Showing 2 responses by theothergreg

The Lehmann is very nice.  Between $1 - $2k you have a very wide range of choices depending on your taste.  I think that this might be the most competitive price range in the phono pre market.  For alternatives to consider, the EAR 834P is very well regarded as is the Whest Two.

I am just wondering, are you planning on upgrading your turntable and/or cart in the future?  The reason I ask is that you are willing to pay up to $2k on a phono preamp for a $700 setup.  For that table and cart, you would be able to maximize performance with some excellent choices under $1k. 

If you stay with your current setup, a Parasound zPhono would sound great for under $200.  A Lounge Audio LCR MKIII can be had for $300.  An iFi Micro iPhono is also a great option for $429. The Musical Surroundings Phonomena II+ could be had for $750 and punches way above its weight.  A Jolida JD9 Mk II can be had for just a little bit more.
Congratulations on the ARC.  That should serve you very well and give you a lot of flexibility when you upgrade your table in the future.